The Spy Ninjas Wiki

pz leader alive We are Project Zorgo V2, Online (Hacker Group) Please note we are not responsible for the following: Cyber attacks, IP grabbing stealing bank information, using internet for fame, or any of that sort of stuff. Our Goal, is to demolish” YouTube” Why because it’s has become too powerful and we believe they are inappropriate videos, that still haven’t been taken down, a long with clickbait content. It would be better for the world if YouTube left. Our Goal Is To Destroy The Following YouTubers… and Chad Wild Clay Vy Qwaint Daniel Gizmo (Permanently Leaving YouTube) Regina & Daniela, (Trying to Help The Spy Ninjas Defeat Us) Casey Wild Clay( Trying To Defeat Project Zorgo.. Melvin & Dane (Dane Revealed His Face Betrayed Me, and Melvin attempted to destroy me
