The Spy Ninjas Wiki

Project Zorgo is a YouTube Hacker group who believes that YouTube has become too powerful and is a threat to traditional media. Phase one of there plan is to use the YouTube trending page and promote unpopular videos from television networks. Phase two is to stop popular YouTuber channels and prevent them from gaining more subscribers.

In 2018, Project Zorgo initiated a plan called The Doomsday Date Event was the first major battle Between The Spy Ninjas, Other YouTubers and Project Zorgo, and was also the event in which Project Zorgo originally planned to stage a coup against YouTube to take control over it. Despite this, they were foiled by both Chad Wild Clay and his wife Vy Qwaint, who broke into their hacker rooms and overloaded their systems through a stream of comments demanding their destruction.

After two years of attempting to take over YouTube, Project Zorgo finally met their match when the Spy Ninjas took back their safehouse and defeated their leader, seemingly ending their nefarious schemes to end the Spy Ninjas and Take down YouTube.